Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My Idiosyncrasies

I have obsession for books and bookstores. You can catch me buying books everywhere, in Crossword, in roadside stalls, on Platform pushcarts, even Online. In fact, it does not just end there, I feel editing comes naturally to me. I cannot help editing, punctuating and finding mistakes in anything I read. I am also an avid fan of all those glossy and expensive magazines where all the stuff is obnoxiously over-priced. But still I think glossy magazines perhaps originated because of people like me; you can catch me reading a Filmfare or a Femina all the time. I think getting up late on a Sunday is a waste of time. You should enjoy each and every moment of your holiday. Why waste it sleeping? My friends cannot figure out why I buy books at a rate greater than I read them. That one even I have not figured out yet. I hate it if my things are unorganized or dirty. You can find me dusting my place even at midnight, depends upon my mood. Colleagues say the term “retail therapy” was coined after me. I would drink tea without sugar but Garlic Bread without Cheese is just not for me. People call it Idiosyncrasies. But hey, I don’t have anything much if I do not have my little idiosyncrasies.

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