Friday, August 16, 2013

Letting Go

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Letting go is not easy, especially of the things which have been part of your personality for long. But sometimes in life, you have to let go to make room for something new, something more important, sometimes more fulfilling. 

There are a few things I am extremely passionate about. I have been very rigid about those things. Till now. But I have been thinking lately about them and thought it is time to let go of them - fully / partially / for now whatever!

1. Books
Yes, I am planning to let go of a few of my books, to make room for so many wonderful books which are finding way to my home. With the pace at which I buy books and receive them for reviews, I am in desperate need of more space. Moreover, I hardly ever re-read my books, not even the best of them. So, why hoard? Today, I even found time to go through them and take about 50 of those out [also because I have bought the most number of books this week, easily above 20]. Not surprisingly, 98% of the books which are going away are from Fiction. 

2. Keeping things in Order
I have been extremely fixated about it, for as long as I can remember. Hubby would be waiting at the lift, to go to office together, and I would be quickly putting the last few cushions on their places. My husband would ask me why I cribbed all the time about not having enough time to read, and I would be embarrassed to tell him that I used most of that 'free' time in putting all things on their places, even if it was only till the toddler woke up. I was also getting worked up in the process because at the end of the day, the fact remains that in a home with a toddler things are not going to be at their places. So, I decided, instead of wasting too much of my energy on this, I would rather focus on basic cleanliness and order; and ditch the need to keep things in absolute order for a few years. I should rather use that energy in keeping up with my toddler son who is in a very exciting age right now. And absolute orderliness can make way for precious memories that we will build together!

Image courtesy:
3. That no matter how much I try, my son may not eventually become a book lover
I thought I should stop obsessing about making my son a book lover. Of course, I am doing everything that is possible but I should stop believing that if I did not raise a reader, I would fail as a parent [ok, that is taking it too far]. The only thing I should care about is that he should have passion in life, whatever it may be for. Reading is a wonderful habit but only one of many.

When you let go, you feel empowered. I am ready to embrace the new things life brings. And of course, letting go makes you free :-)


  1. Hey,,Good piece. I can always help you in letting go of your books.(wink).I know its not easy, but u need to take that extra step to make space for other things. Same goes with your thoughts in mind for better conditioning.

    1. Do you live around? Then I could have :-) And definitely, letting go is liberating in all ways.

  2. Loved the last line. In fact the reading part reminds me of this conversation that I had with my Hubby. We were talking about how I wud want him to be a reader & my hubby said don't force only fiction on him. I very clearly told him that I wud love if he lvoes reading but I will never force my choice on him. It is upto him to decide what genre he wants to read. Simple!

    And yes letting go is not easy but once u do becomes simpler!

    1. Thank you Smita.
      I think you are a super cool mom. I was a little hung up on the reading part, but not obsessive. I decided to let go. There are other wonderful hobbies to choose from. But of course, I am trying to do everything possible. He reads. Even on his own. Gets bunch of books to me for reading but I think it is too soon to brand him a book lover.
      Certainly, letting go makes life simpler, better, more enjoyable. We should be open about new.

  3. Keeping things in order is something that really gets on my nerves (wifey is a freak on that)
    As for your kid, like you said " he should have passion in life," Yes need not be reading, but can be anything.

    1. I think most husbands have that problem with their wives..ha ha! And yes, I finally accepted that reading is just one of the many fulfilling and productive passions in life. A child is his own person and must be allowed to flourish that way.
      Thank you so much for dropping by :-)

  4. The more you share things about you here, the more I am convinced that we have a past connection as we have so much in common.
    1. Yes, I used to re-read my books earlier but never now as the pile of the unread books is so high. I may have to let go of some of my books too in the near future.
    2. I am improving a bit of orderliness... learning to let go, but still a lot needs to be done in this aspect.
    3. Yes, so far even my child has not taken my love for books... but there is a hope... may be when he grows up a bit more... sigh!

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I can relate to 1 and 3, but I've been pretty conscious for almost a year now. Now every time a new book enters my house, the old one is given away, and I make sure I read all the books I have. No old, unread books. This makes me more disciplined with book buying :)

    My daughter is a reader only with a lot of goading from me. Surprisingly once I stopped prodding her, she seems to enjoy reading. Also, I don't question her on what and how she reads, just let her be and discover it for herself. Seems to be working for now :)
